Terms of Use
- All content displayed on Fotogramme belongs to Instagram. All content is therefore restricted under Instagram’s terms of use.
- If a user of Fotogramme violates Instagram or Fotogramme’s terms of use, we reserve the right to restrict users’ accounts access to Instagram from Fotogramme.
- Any comments, etc. through this app to Instagram will have to abide by Instagram’s terms of use. If you violate Instagram’s terms of use, your uploads and/or account may be deleted by Instagram.
- If a user comes across inappropriate content or an aggressive user on Fotogramme and wants to report this, they should do so by sending a report to Instagram. In this case, they should use the “Report” functionality available from the “…” button on the Instagram app’s feed screen or user profile screen. Also, if you want to send a similar report to Fotogramme, users should use the same reporting functionality available on Fotogramme. Any reports sent to Fotogramme shall be investigated carefully, and specific measures shall be taken if necessary.
- If a user would like to block a user, that can be done using either Instagram or Fotogramme’s block function.
- Also, users must abide by the terms of service of the App Store.
- These terms of service were originally written in Japan, in Japanese. If the translated terms of service conflict with the original Japanese version, the Japanese version will take priority.